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Slam’s NBA Draft Diary Part 2 (1st Round)

Part 2: We get you going at pick 15 right after the lottery up through pick 21.

9:01 – Jrue Holiday is the faller in this draft, too bad for him.  The Pistons just took Austin Daye bust, but why wouldn’t you switch up your draft plan even if you gave Austin Daye a promise.  Take Holiday he can play point, something Stuckey can’t do.  Austin Daye, bust.

9:03 – Austin Daye is the third worst father – son NBA combo in this draft, once again, BUST.

9:04 – Dick Vitale praising Tyler Hansborough, this is so weird.  OO wait now he’s saying teams that passed on Curry are going to be regretting they didn’t take him.  He went seventh Dick Vitale, seventh, that’s pretty high.  Dick Vitale is the most unpredictable guy around, wait maybe not.  I just am waiting for a Bob Knight gushing over Steph Curry’s passing ability appearence.

Dick VitaleLove

9:06 – Bulls take Dejuan Blair mark it down

9:08 – And I’m wrong they took the other power forward, but James Johnson was a martial arts champion in Wyoming so he must be good.  Wyoming: American’s martial arts hot bed.

9:09 – The Wolves are probably salivating over trying to get Jrue Holiday, they’ll just trout out as many point guards as possible and run for days.

9:11 – Philly could ruin the Point Guard party and take Holiday, DON”T DO IT.  The Wolves needs all the best PG’s just for some great unintentional comedy.  And here we go……….. Too bad, Philly takes Jrue Holiday and ruins the Wolves dream of an all point guard lineup or……..

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Posted 1 month ago at 11:36 am. Add a comment

Slam’s Draft Diary: Part 1 (The Lottery)

NBA Draft Diary

I managed to do a running diary of the entire NBA draft, 5 whole hours, 2 rounds, 7 cups of coffees, and 1 diary.  Here is the first part as I will release it in 4 parts, it’s very long.  Check out Freaknick and I go at it right after the first round ended on the podcast.

Hello World this is your resident hoopologist Slam checking in with his first of many running diaries.  I’m going to be you analysis on the 2009 NBA Draft, also known from this point on of Draft de Complementary Players.  If you’re looking for a stud in this draft outside of the top 5, then you might as well move along, this draft is tailor made for teams looking for role players.  Now let’s get into some pre-game talk, Stu Scott takes us away.

7:02 p.m. - We just got word the Dick Vitale is going to be making an appearance, everyone get your earplugs out.

7:03 - Who has more hair gel Andy Katz or Rick Bucher?  I say tossup.

Andy Katz loves the hair gel OR Ric Bucher might love it more

7:06 – John Barr tells that there is “tons of excitement” around the Shaq trade, then why does he sound so unexcited?  Between Shaq, Richard Jefferson, and Vince Carter getting traded I think the most valuable guy is Richard Jefferson.  Shaq won’t be able to have back to back monster seasons and Vince Carter’s greatest achievement is winning the Dunk Contest

7:11 – All the analysts are praising Orlando for getting Vince Carter but doesn’t this mean they can’t sign Hedo Turkoglu?  Hedo was their ball handler in the clutch last year and isn’t he more valuable to the team than Vince “I need my shots” Carter, let’s think big picture here.

7:13 – A camera in the Clippers war room: an inside look on how to screw up an NBA team.

Got to love that nose

7:21 – Some Ricky Rubio talk FINALLY. We even have an interview EUROLEAGUE BABY.  Let’s rate Ricky: English- C- Style- D Nose- A+.  Ricky loves the beaches in California, is that an open petition to try and be a Sacramento King?  I hope not but Rubio is going to be the funniest point guard to watch for the next 10 years so let’s hope he doesn’t end up in purgatory in Sactown.

7:32 – “New York home of the Knicks and Liberty” thanks David Stern but I think we all agree you can shorten that statement next year. But HERE WE GO, some NBA Draft.  I say Blake Griffin goes one, call me crazy.

7:35 – OO yes a montage of Clippers #1 draft picks, the Kandi-Man made a jump hook, really? They can do anything with video nowadays, the Clippers can’t mess up Blake Griffin, I think.

7:38 – Blake Griffin first pick what? Who? When?  Yes this was a can’t miss pick; he scored at will in college and grabbed rebounds from all over the place.  If Griffin can get a go-to post move and he can be a killer on the fast break, look out.

7:43 – Exclusive Mike Dunleavy interview.  He says “We’re going to look and see what’s the best decision for our team.” I’m going to go with that’s the opposite of what he has been doing since he’s gotten there.

7:45 – Hasheem Thabeet is our 2nd pick, do I have to wait or say it now: BUST.  As a Syracuse fan I watched UConn all year and Thabeet has zero offensive game.  Yes he can change the game defensively but he is abysmal offensively, think Ben Wallace but with injury concerns cause he’s so big.

7:52 – NOOOOOOO… Continue Reading…

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Posted 1 month ago at 1:22 am. Add a comment

Omri Casspi is a man on a mission

The springy Israeli wants to be a star in the NBA.  Here’s what he needs to do to make that happen. Plus, check out a highlight tape and see how he did against college stars in a pre-draft workout with the Sacramento Kings.

(read full profile)

Watch him go up against Jrue Holiday and others in a pre-draft workout for the Kings.

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Posted 1 month ago at 11:53 am. 1 comment